Fuck it all To Heck
Fuck You Look here
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live shots
Too Much Time almost wasted


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skitzo frank

this is cool. to me

A fight with me, and NWO,musthear

This is what anyone can do, If you put in more time than than you would anything else . I fucked up with my daughter, I wish  i hadent, but since I did,  I'm turning you all on to this stuff. I hope you like it.  If you don't?. So What!!

M.D.C. is great

I have been given a gift, That I never appreciated, or made any money of it. I use it for personal enjoyment of showing off. It's dumb of me. But if I'm scared of crowds of people?. Than I know I have no choice. Overcomeing that shit isnt easy. Fuck all that feel Im nothing. I laugh

made for "Latonia"I miss you

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